I remember myself with poodle hair, back in the early eighties. Totally ridiculous - my brother still makes fun of it whenever he gets a chance. And at the end of the eighties or was it the early nineties, I did it again and tried a wavy hairstyle. That wasn't a big success either - the curls lasted exactly one day and after that my hair looked totally miserable. A short hairstyle (which I kept for years because I liked it) was the only solution. Lesson learned, however, no perms nor curls for me anymore - thank you very much!
Luckily, my girls are perfectly happy with their hair (for now).
Which doesn't mean they don't like to play around with wigs and curlers once in a while...
M. needed some dress-up stuff for summer camp and a wig it is! As to little H.: as soon as she realized it would take for ever for the curls to set and saw the other kids playing outside, she asked me to take the curlers out... So, no 'after' pictures for this one!
How about you? Any bad hairstyles you regret or have particularly fond memories of?