Everyone's back home and it feels good.
I picked up little H. from the train last night. She's had a great time so much I could tell from the sound of her voice or better from the lack thereof. Coarse from all the singing at the 'boum' the night before. She was cheerful and had lots to tell on our metro ride home. New songs to sing, new clapping games to share. Big Sister was greeted with a bear hug - she even got her big sister the coolest present ever - something 'you won't find in Paris'. And then late last night Daddy got home from his trip - no coarse voice as he didn't have a 'boum' the last evening of the conference, but tired nevertheless after a week of hard working.
With everyone back home, my creativity returned as well. This flower necklace is something new I have been working on. I really like it and I'm contemplating making a few for the shop.
A flower to celebrate...
Wishing you a happy weekend too,
xo, P.
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